In case you're not familiar with DokuWiki… Well, there's not much to learn about in order to make a simple page, DokuWiki has a nice editor. There're things, however, that are not apparent and you can't find out by just clicking around, so it's a good idea to read syntax page once before setting sail.
To prevent fragmentation, before creating a new page, make sure a similar page doesn't exists (c'mon, a simple search will take only a few seconds). Now, since it's fresh 'n new stuff, make up a nice title for the page, and determine the category for the page (see the namespaces section for details about namespaces). Then go edit playground and add a link
Preview the page, click to the link and finally click “Create this page” button. Or, modify the URL as and there your “Create this page” button.
Namespaces are the way to group up similar things & avoid namespace pollution in DokuWiki. Unlike mediawiki's (the one at Wikipedia) categories, one page can belong to only one namespace. In other words, they have the function of directories rather than tags (we have tags avaiable thanks to a plugin, see below). Try to put the page in the most relevant namespace which would categorize it best in one word, add other descriptive titles as tags.
Here's a list of some usual namespaces:
To see the full list of existing namespaces, use the Index button at the bottom of the page. If your page doesn't fit any of the existing namespaces, simply add a new one (and it'll be nice if you provide a short description of it here, in the list above).
A page without namespace is usually a site-doc (like this page), so yes, if you don't pick a namespace for a non-site-doc page, you'll be polluting the global namespace.
Yup! We finally have tags, thanks to a plugin. It's usage is very simple. For instance, adding the following line
{{tag>tag1 ubertag:tagchan}}
would make this page tagged with “tag1” and “ubertag:tagchan”. You see that tags can be nested with ':' character, just like namespaces. Make sure to place the tag line at the bottom of the page, so that locating it would be easy for all.
For some random reason, a Chess Diagram plugin is also installed
<chessdiagram> r—k–r pq—ppp —-p— –b-P— p–N-Q– P——- -PP—PP —R-R-K </chessdiagram>