^ 8-o ^ Due to various abrupt changes in SourceForge web services (and our lack of backups), we had severe data loss.\\ \\ だから がんばりましょう みんな! :-) ^ 8-o ^
== Konnichiwa, good anime loving citizens of GNU Userland! ==
GNU/Anime is a wiki about everything anime on GNU.
This wiki is created by [[http://myanimelist.net/clubs.php?cid=3526|MAL GNU/Linux Users Club]] staff, intended to provide articles, scripts & whatnot for anime-lovers living in GNU userland. You don't need to be member of myanimelist.net to be involved, though it'd be nice to see more of you guys there. The moar, the merrier.
If you have some useful info, tip, piece of code or anything relevant to the purpose of this wiki, please add! This place needs content! In order to contribute, you'll need to register an account, however (the world is full of spammers, you know). Join the herd, and let the brotherhood of gnu-anime-lovers prosper!
== Wiki Content ==
=== Site Related ===
* [[Wiki Guidelines and Editing Conventions]]
* [[FAQ]]
=== GNU/Anime Stuff ===
* [[Projects]] Projects created by GNU/Anime herd.
* [[Application Database]] Projects by other herds that might be useful for anime-lovers.
* [[Games:Native|Native Games]] Anime related games working natively on GNU.
* [[Games:Emulated|Emulated Games]] Reports on anime related games tested under wine/dosbox/whatnot.
* [[Tips]] Brief tips/hints.
* [[Articles]] Misc. articles.
== Administrative Things To Do ==
* Wiki guidelines
* Better looking template (Something that is not fixed-width and responsive. Game info pages look too tight)
* Anime emoticons (Temporarily stole icons from [[http://forums.shiningforcecentral.com|SFC Forums]] shamelessly)
* Site map ((A list of "major" titles, for now.))
For any administrative task related to the wiki, you can send a mail to