* Anonymous edits are disabled. Why?
Welcome to the WWW. This world is inhabited by creatures called spammers.
Spam edits & uploads are real headache, and since we don't have staff to watch over such activities day & night, we simply disabled all anonymous edits. Just register an account. (But make sure to see the notice on [[start|start page]] beforehand.)
* Why are you using DokuWiki?
Databases are cursed. Long live old good file systems. Besides, it's a nice wiki.
* Why are the URLs so ugly.
There appers to be a problem with nice URL option under SourceForge server. We'll investigate the problem [[http://www.unix.org/Posters/download/unix_posterA3.pdf|RSN]] ;-)
* How about changing and in the wiki?
Just send an e-mail to
* What are license conditions for contribution?
All original contributions will be licensed under [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html|GNU Free Documentation License]], if you don't agree with this go, shoo :-P As for the copyrighted material, if it has a permissive license, provide the copyright information along with the material; else, find something alternative to add.
* Why is //Linux// not included in the title?
To humiliate Linux-tan. We'll spank her a bit afterwards :-P
As the title ---which was stated with care--- suggests, this wiki is //not// anything Linux specific. Target audience is GNU userland people. So when you add something that is available only under a specific kernel, make sure to note it. Anything for GNU/Hurd, GNU/OpenSolaris, GNU/FreeBSD, etc. are more than welcome.