
A collection of tools to maintain meta-info of video files. It currently uses mplayer for gathering meta-info.

Grab the sources here


Database Format

vutils uses SQLite v3 database to store the entries (via gosqlite3). The benefits of using a light-weight and fast database outweighed the benefits of having a textual, custom DB. And SQLite, due to it's simplicity and popularity, seemed to be the best choice. So yes, you can't simply cat your video database file. But you can use sqlite3(1) to list the contents of the DB file, or SQLite Browser under X.


Beagle + BeagleFS offer a somewhat close and more generic solution. But it's kind of useless for my purposes, because it collects little none information about videos (except for the filename). If you have Beagle installed, you can run `beagle-query –keywords` for a list. I got this, for instance (using Beagle 0.3.9):

Supported query keywords are:                                                                                                                                    
inarchive            for Use 'inarchive:true' for files inside an archive.                                                                                     
artist               for Artist of the music                                                                                                                   
mailto               for Name of receipient                                                                                                                    
author               for Author of the content                                                                                                                 
summary              for Brief description of the content                                                                                                      
imagemodel           for Camera model as specified in exif or IPTC tags                                                                                        
filename             for File name                                                                                                                             
filename             for File name                                                                                                                             
imagecomment         for IPTC caption                                                                                                                          
imagecomment         for Exif comments                                                                                                                         
imagecomment         for JFIF comments                                                                                                                         
imagecomment         for Digikam User comments                                                                                                                 
imagecomment         for F-Spot User comments                                                                                                                  
speakingto           for Person engaged in conversation                                                                                                        
mailtoaddr           for Email address of receipient                                                                                                           
inattachment         for Use 'inattachment:true' for email attachments.                                                                                        
imagetag             for FSpot, Digikam image tags
source               for Name of the backend
creator              for Creator of the content
emblem               for Use emblem to identify items tagged with a specific emblem in nautilus.
mailinglist          for Mailing list id e.g.
mailfrom             for Name of email sender
genre                for Genre of the music
ext                  for File extension, e.g. ext:jpeg. Use ext: to search in files with no extension.
filetype             for Type of content for HitType File
email                for Email in KAddressbook
mimetype             for Mimetype of the content
notetag              for Tag associated with a tomboy note.
type                 for Hittype of the content e.g. File, IMLog, MailMessage
title                for Title
mailfromaddr         for Email address of sender
pkggroup             for Group to which the package belongs e.g. System/Configuration/Packaging
host                 for The host of this entitiy.
album                for Album name of the music

Other than that, it's kinda heavy-weight, and written in Mono 1).

see here